Greetings to all!

We believe it would be good to inform the users of this community about the status of the development of our Open Source Racing Simulator.

Since a few months ago we are in the process of performing several tasks related to our version control system. It is our intention to st...

6 months after our last official release, v2.3.0, we are with you again to bring you a summary of the development progress of Speed Dreams since then. Just after that date, Xavier Bertaux has been very busy with very noticeable changes in the project code, such as something as important as the new ...

UPDATED: This automated AppImages service is inactive until further notice. We apologize for any inconvenience.

For a long time we would like everyone see and test the changes we regularly make to the Speed Dreams code, but we know that building programs from the source code is sometimes tedi...

Once again we are here to bring you information about what we are developing in Speed Dreams since the last post. These are some of the works we have done in the last two months:

  • Added MP1 2022 (experimental) category (22MP1), with Sector MCL36 openwheeler (thanks Peter Collings)

  • S...